(858) 432-4110 : (651) 207-6461: [email protected]
8305 79th St. S Cottage Grove, MN 55016

Earthquake, Flood & Specialty

For everything else

Earthquakes, Floods, Horses, and other special coverage’s not included in your homeowners or other policies require specialty coverage.  It is not fun to talk about worse case scenarios, but it is smart to be covered in them.  Extortion, kidnap, and ransom insurance may be worth discussing with us.

Whether you’re a high net worth client or someone who wants to be sure they have all the options available,  at Torgerson Insurance we evaluate and recommend solutions so you don’t take chances with your family’s assets. Protecting a family legacy starts now.

Key Points

• Covering any gaps

• Disaster and crisis coverage

• Peace of mind